EJB Interview Questions and Answers - Part 2

EJB session and entity context - What is an EJB Context?, What is the difference between sessioncontext and entitycontext?
EJB views - Remote client view and Local client view
EJB types - Different types of EJB, types of session beans, types of Entity beans, relationship between local interfaces and container-managed relationships
EJB roles - Describe the roles of EJB specification that are involved in the development and deployment of EJB application
EJB advantages and limitations - Advantages of EJB model and limitations pf EJB models
EJB session beans - What are the session beans? Explain the types of session beans, What are the steps involved in developing a stateless session bean?, Describe the lifecycle of stateless session beans, What are the steps involve in developing a stateful session beans, Describe the lifecycle of stateful session beans.
EJB Entity beans - What are Entity beans? Explain the need of entity beans, Explain the types of Entity beans. Explain their uses, Explain the steps involve in developing Entity beans, What are the steps involve in deployment of CMP and BMP entity beans, Explain the lifecycle of entity beans.
EJB 2.0 Entity Model - Explain the advantages of EJB 2.0 container-managed persistence over bean-managed persistence, Explain the types and role of abstract methods in EJB 2.0 persistence, Explain the structure of EJB query language (EJB QL)
EJB Asynchronous communication - What is a message-driven bean?, Explain the need for asynchronous communication, What is the JMS messaging?, Explain the JavaMail API. Explain how it is used to compose and dispatch a mail.
EJB environment - What is the Enterprise Bean Environment?, Explain the EJB environment Entries, Explain the steps involved in accessing one enterprise bean from other.
EJB Resource Manager - What is a Resource Manager Connection factory?, Explain the five types of resource manager that J2EE compliant application server must support.
EJB security - EJB security model, What are the EJB-specific issues in security management? Ways to authenticate a client before it contacts the server?, steps involved in security design for EJB application.
EJB design - Advantages of implementing a distributed system using EJB?, disadvantages pf implementing a distributed system using EJB.
EJB performances - Explain how to avoid large data transfer using EJBs, What is lazy loading?, Explain how to lazy-load enterprise beans., advantages of smart stubs and show how to accelerate marshalling, explain how to tune the performance when deploying EJBs.
EJB containers - What is EJB container?, Explain the four types of container that J2EE supports, Developer classes vs. container classes, Explain the difference between servers and containers.
EJB is a standard for developing server side in JAVA. It specifies agreement between components and application..
EJB Kinds - There are 3 kinds of EJB's - Session beans, Entity Beans, Message-driven beans..
EJB Passivation and activation - EJB saves data from memory to hard disk thus allowing memory to be reclaimed. This process of saving memory data to hard disk is called passivation...
EJB Stateless and Stateful beans - Between the client and the session bean, the state of the conversation can be maintained using a stateful session bean...
EJB QL stands for Enterprise Java Beans - Query Language. It was introduced in the EJB 2.0 specification....
EJB Context - EJBContext is an interface implemented by the container. It is a part of the bean-container contract...
EJB - EAR, JAR and WAR - Modules are packaged based on their functionality as EAR, JAR and WAR files..
EJB lazy loading - Heavy weight application consume a lot of time while loading the plug-ins. In lazy loading approach..
EJB Session Bean - Session beans are used to shield the client from the complexity of the business logic..
EJB Stateful Session bean - Between the client and the session bean, the state of the conversation can be maintained...
EJB stateless session bean - A stateless session bean is an enterprise bean that does not maintain conversational state specific to a client session..
EJB Create Methods - The create() method is used to insert data into the database by creating a new instance of CMP entity bean...
EJB session bean - the bean might be kept in cache until the session is timed out after which it is removed or..
EJB transaction attribute - There is no default transaction attribute for an EJB. The deployer must specify a value for the transaction attribute for the methods that have..
EJB Server, Container, Connector - A server is an application that responds to the requests made by client(s) and manages system resources like network connections, threads, processes, memory, ..
EJB ejbFindByPrimaryKey - Primary Keys are used to uniquely identify objects from a database. The ejbFindByPrimaryKey method is used...
What is session facade? - Session Façade is one of the design pattern. It is utilized in developing enterprise applications frequently.....
EJB CMP and BMP - JDBC Net pure Java driver(Type IV) is the fastest driver because it converts the jdbc calls to network protocol used by DBMS Server...
EJB transaction isolation levels - Transaction_read_uncommitted- Allows a method to read uncommitted data from a DB(fast but not wise)....
Bean managed transaction - This is usually when a developer does not want the Container to manage the transactions. ..
EJB abstract schema - Abstract schema is specified for entity beans with container managed persistence. The name of Abstract schema....
EJB Message Driven Bean - A Message Driven Bean is a message consumer. Message-driven beans receive JMS messages and process them...
EJB Deployment descriptor - The deployment descriptor directs a deployment tool to deploy a module or application with specific container options..
The call will most likely be ignored. The functions like garbage collection that are system level should be left for the container...