SQL Server Interview Questions - Part 2

Buffer cash and log Cache in sql server - Buffer Cache: Buffer cache is a memory pool in which data pages are read. It performance of the buffer cache is indicated as follows........
What is a Trace frag? - Temporary setting of specific server characteristics is done by trace tags. DBCC TRACEON is the command to set the trace flags......
Linked Server - MS SQL Server supports the connection to different OLE DB on an ad hoc basis. This persistent connection is referred as Linked Server.......
Send email from database - SQL Server has a feature for sending mail. Stored procedures can also be used for sending mail on demand. With SQL Server 2005, MAPI client is not needed for sending mails.......
How to make remote connection in database - The following is the process to make a remote connection in database: Use SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Tool for enabling the remote connection in database........
Cross join and Full outer join - Cross Join : No join conditions are specified. Full Outer Join: A combination of both left and right outer joins.........
OPENXML clause - OPENXML parses the XML data in SQL Server in an efficient manner. It’s primary ability is to insert XML data to the RDB.........
The following is the order of executing SQL query: The query goes to the shared pool that has information like parse tree and execution plan for the corresponding statement.......
Store pdf file in sql server - Create a column as type ‘blob’ in a table. Read the content of the file and save in ‘blob’ type column in a table.......
Concepts and capabilities of SQL Server - Microsoft SQL server is a relational database management system. It uses MS- SQL as the query language.......
Use of keyword WITH ENCRYPTION - WITH ENCRYPTION Indicates that SQL Server will convert the original text.......
What is a linked server in SQL Server? - A linked server allows remote access......
Features and concepts of Analysis Services - Analysis service provides a combined view of the data used in OLAP or Data mining........
What is Analysis service repository? - Each server running analysis service has a repository to store objects of the computer.......
What is SQL service broker? - SQL service broker provides asynchronous queuing functionality to SQL server.......
What is user defined datatypes? - User defined datatypes is created by using base SQL Server data type by providing......
A bit datatype is an integer data type which can store either a 0 or 1 or null......
What is lock escalation? - Lock escalation from SQL Server 7.0 onwards, is dynamically managed by SQL Server.......
What is blocking? - Blocking happens when one connection from an application holds a lock and a second....
What is Public Role in SQL Server? - Every database has a public role which holds all the default permissions for the users in a database......
Discuss about SQL Server Login - SQL server login is used to connect to SQL server.......
Discuss about Builtin\Administrator - The built in Administrator Account is basically used during some setup to join some machine in the domain......
Failover clustering - Failover clustering is mainly used for data availability. Typically in a failover cluster, there are two machines......
SQL server can return XML document using FOR XML clause. XML documents....
SQL Server scalability - SQL Server has efficient ways to enhance scalability of the database system.......
SQL Server English Query - SQL Server English Query helps to build applications that can accept query in questions......
SQL Server Profiler - SQL Profiler captures SQL Server events from a server. The events are saved in a trace.....
SQL Server uses different ways to execute SQL statements which are listed below.......
SQL Server Full-Text Query: SQL Server supports searches on character string columns using Full-Text Query........
The several phases a transaction has to go through are listed here. Database is in a consistent state when the transaction is about to start.......
SQL server XPath - XPath is a language defined by the W3C, used to select nodes from XML documents. SQL Server 2000 supports .....
SQL Server Files and File groups - A file or file group can only be used by one database. For example, the files abc.mdf and abc.ndf contains......
SQL server Authentication Modes - SQL Server supports two security (authentication) modes: Windows Authentication and Mixed mode .....
Data definition language is used to define and manage all attributes and properties of a database........
SQL Server SELECT Statement - SQL Server uses the following steps to process a single SELECT statement:.......
SQL server batches - CREATE DEFAULT, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE RULE, CREATE TRIGGER, and CREATE VIEW statements cannot be combined with ......
GO Command is used to signal the end of a batch........
SQL Server NULL values - Null means no entry has been made. It implies that the value is either unknown or undefined........
What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL? - UNION command selects distinct and related information from two tables. On the other hand.....
What is Log Shipping? - Log shipping enables high availability of database.....
What is the difference between a Local and a Global temporary table? - A local temporary table lives until the connection is valid....
What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL? - .....
A table can have only one ROWGUIDCOL column, A ROWGUIDCOL column must be defined by using the uniqueidentifier data type.......
Following are the actions prevented once referential integrity is enforced.......
Summarizing Data in SQL Server - We have CUBE or ROLLUP operators to generate summary reports. Both are part of the GROUP BY clause ......
CUBE operator and ROLLUP operator - CUBE generates a result set that represents aggregates for all combinations of values in the selected columns........
SQL server bulk copy utility - While importing data, the destination table must already exist,While exporting to a file, bcp will create the file.......
Capabilities of Cursors - Cursors can support various functionalities that are listed here.......
SQL server Cursor Behavior - Cursors behavior can be controlled by dividing them into cursor types: forward-only, static, keyset-driven, .......
SQL server Stored Procedures - Stored procedures provide performance benefits through local storage, precompiling the code, and caching.......
SQL server transactions - We shouldn't allow input from users during a transaction......
SQL server Batches, stored procedures & triggers - A batch is a group of one or more SQL statements. SQL Server compiles the statements of a batch......
Scenarios for using triggers. To create a audit log of database activity. To apply business rules. To apply some calculation on data from tables which is not stored in them.....
Views can be created referencing tables and views only in the current database. ......
The start and end of each transaction - Every data modification .......
SQL server transaction log - It is created when CHECKPOINT statement is executed........
Truncate and Delete commands - Truncate command is used to remove all rows of the column....
SQL Server Lock Types - In this section, we have covered SQL Server lock types.....
Define Identity and uniqueidentifier property of Column. We have answered this question in this series........
Stuff Function - It replaces existing character. - STUFF(string_expression, start, length, replacement_characters).....
Execution Plan and SQL Profiler - Describe in brief SQL Server monitoring ways. We have answered this question in this section
SQL Server Transaction Isolation Levels - Define transaction and transaction isolation levels.....
SQL Server Optimization Tips - In this section, we have provided all possible tips to optimize SQL Server performance......