In semantic checking, query processor

- Checks whether all the relations mentioned under the FROM clause in the SQL statement are from the database the user is referenced.
- Checks all the attribute values and also checks whether they exist in a particular relation that is specified in the query. It checks all the attribute values that are mentioned in the SELECT and WHERE clauses of the SQL statement.
- Verifies whether the types of attributes are compatible with the values used for the attributes.
- All of these.

CORRECT ANSWER : All of these.

Discussion Board

answer is wrong

rajkumar 02-15-2020 04:26 AM

Query processor

Query processor processes SQL queries specified by the user. The processor yields highly efficient query plans that execute using minimal resources, and ensure that results are consistent and correct. To process a query efficiently, the query processor uses:
- SQL Query specified by the user.
- Statistics about the tables, indexes, and columns specified in the SQL query.
- Configurable variables defined for the ASE.
The query processor uses several query processor modules to successfully executes several steps of process a query.
It checks whether all the relations mentioned under the FROM clause in the SQL statement are from the database the user is referenced.
It checks all the attribute values and also checks whether they exist in a particular relation that is specified in the query.
It checks all the attribute values that are mentioned in the SELECT and WHERE clauses of the SQL statement.
It verifies whether the types of attributes are compatible with the values used for the attributes.

Prajakta Pandit 03-15-2017 06:00 AM

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