Television Advertisements aimed at children should be banned

Television Advertisements aimed at children should be banned

The power of advertising cannot be denied by anyone. Advertisements can affect the decision making of people. It is not about the simple advertisements but it is also about the advertisements specially designed to attract the children. Children are easily influenced by the advertisements. Is it ethical to make the advertisements aimed at children? Should such advertisements be banned?


• Children cannot understand the world of marketing. They readily accept all the things promoted in advertisements.

• Advertisements pop up on television frequently and therefore the products stay in the children’s mind. They develop the attitude of buying all the latest products at any cost. It makes them more demanding.

• Children lack maturity and judgment. They cannot differentiate between the right and wrong products.

• They encourage the need to possess materialistic things. Advertisements convey the wrong message of happiness.

• TV advertisements can have a negative impact on children’s health and behavior. It can even lead to personality problems.

• It becomes difficult for low income families to fulfill the ever growing demands of the children that they make after seeing the televisions. If the demands are not fulfilled, then it shatters the confidence of children.


• Media plays no role in forming the habits of children. It is the duty of parents to keep their children away from the artificial world of marketing.

• There are many other things in life that affect the children. And it is the parents and teachers who teach them to differentiate between right and wrong. Banning is no solution.

• Banning the advertisements is a wasted endeavor as children will anyway know about the products from other sources or other modes of advertisement.

• Advertisements aimed at children can be banned but the advertisements of children products cannot be banned.

• It is through the television advertisements that many young children get an opportunity to work in the media industry.

• Advertisements can have an impact on decision making but in any case it never forces the parents or children to buy their products. So, legally no one has the right to ban the ads.


Children are not mature enough to understand the difference between right and wrong? But, can teenagers who are 18 years old understands the exact difference between right and wrong? Do you think adults always make a right decision? The answers to all the questions is no. The ultimate choice of buying goods is taken by parents. They need to impart right education to the children. Banning of television advertisements will do no good.
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  • RE: Television Advertisements aimed at children should be banned -Deepa Kaushik (04/23/14)
  • Television advertisements are aimed at attracting the potential customers to enhance the sales. It is one of the various marketing strategies being used by the manufacturers. Banning the television advertisements aimed at children is not a solution to keep children away from the awareness of the product or their increasing demand. The advertisement is made through various sources, television is just one of the means.

    It is the duty of parents and teachers to teach them the difference between the advertisement and the actual status of the same product in practical use. Children tend to grasp everything at a much faster rate, but giving place to their demands is in the hands of parents. Not every demand of a child could be fulfilled. Advertisement industry is one among those.

    Even if we give a stand towards banning, then those which feature aiming the children particularly and influencing their intellect could be avoided. Nobody can still put a ban on the advertisements as they do not force to buy their product, decision making being still in the hands of the parents.