English Grammar and correct usage test - Sep 16, 2014

English Grammar and correct usage online test – 6

1. Answer the question based on the passage given below.

Though the waste of time or the expenditure on fashion is very large, yet fashions have come to stay. They will not go, come what may. However, what is now required is that strong efforts should be made to displace the excessive craze for fashion from the minds of these youngsters.

The passage best supports the statement that:

a. Fashion is the need of the day
b. The excessive craze for fashion is detrimental to one’s personality.
c. The hoard for fashion should be done away with so as not to let down the constructive development.
d. Work and other activities should be valued more than the outward appearance.
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ANSWER: c. The hoard for fashion should be done away with so as not to let down the constructive development.

2. Choose the correct antonym for the below given word.


a. Stupid
b. Mature
c. Early
d. Nervy
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ANSWER: a. Stupid

3. Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentence.

The ___________ tactics of the opposition forced the ruling party to postpone the passage of the bill yet again.

a. Dilute
b. Remedial
c. Doubt
d. Delaying
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ANSWER: d. Delaying

4. A part of each sentence has been left unfinished; choose the best alternative that will complete the sentence logically.

As prosecutors intended, the two year effort to execute Timothy McVeigh, _______________ whose dramatic power lay in its very ordinariness

a. Burst into a culmination of bathos
b. Will be culminated in a burst of bathos
c. Culminated and bursted into bathos
d. Culminated as a burst of bathos
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ANSWER: a. Burst into a culmination of bathos

5. Choose the correct alternative that best represents the below given statement in one word.

A religious group living by asking people for money and food

a. Menial
b. Mendicant
c. Mender
d. Mendacious
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ANSWER: b. Mendicant

6. The sentence below is given in either Active/ Passive Voice. Choose the correct alternative that expresses the same sentence in Passive/ Active Voice.

i. The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.

a. The customer should have been helped by a salesman when the thief came into the store
b. When the thief cam in the store the customer was being helped by the salesman
c. The customer was being helped by a salesman when the thief came into the store.
d. The thief came in and the salesman was helping the customer.
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ANSWER: c. The customer was being helped by a salesman when the thief came into the store.

7. Choose the correct synonym for the below given word.


a. Acquisitive
b. Unselfish
c. Generous
d. Exploiting
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ANSWER: a. Acquisitive

8. The sentence given below is mentioned in Direct/ Indirect Speech. Choose the correct alternative that best expresses the sentence in Indirect/ Direct speech.

i. Annie: If I tidied my room, my dad would be happy.

a. Annie says that if she tidied her room, her dad would be happy
b. Annie said that her dad would be happy if she tidied her room
c. Annie is saying that her dad would be happy if she tidied her room
d. Annie said that is she tidied her room, her dad would be happy
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ANSWER: d. Annie said that is she tidied her room, her dad would be happy

9. Which of the following alternatives portray the correct spelling of the given word?

a. Aplod
b. Plode
c. Plod
d. Plad
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ANSWER: c. Plod

10. Choose the correct alternative that forms a logical word from the jumbled parts.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a. 13426578
b. 87456123
c. 23146785
d. 13578624
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ANSWER: a. 13426578

11. Rearrange the alternatives given between 1 and 6 to form a coherent paragraph.

1. Both visible and invisible solar radiation penetrates our skin’s surface, smashing into living cells.

A. This causes an electrochemical change by splitting off unpaired neutrons, called free radicals, from cell molecules.
B. These highly reactive agents produce toxic by - products that poison or irritate surrounding tissues and apparently contribute to the swelling and leakage of tiny blood – vessels in the skin – as we know as sunburn.
C. Thus, free radicals can impair cellular renewal in our bodies, hastening the aging process.
D. They may also damage the genetic blueprints cells used in reproducing.

6. Or worse, they may cause defective cells to proliferate – a condition that can turn into cancer.

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12. Choose the odd man out

a. Astonished
b. Pleased
c. Astounded
d. Flabbergasted
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ANSWER: b. Pleased

13. A sentence has been broken into 4 parts; choose the correct set of alternatives that will form a coherent paragraph.

A. And that union, to attain which the burghers of the Middle ages
B. the modern proletarians, thanks to railways
C. required centuries, , achieve in a few years
D. with their miserable highways

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14. In the below given sentence choose the best option that replaces the underlined portion.

i. Because, she worked the night shift, arriving at 10 p.m. and leaving at 6 a.m.

a. Having arrived at 10 p.m. and leaving at 6 a.m.
b. Arriving at 10.p.m. and leaving at 6 a.m.
c. With an arrival at 6 and departure at 10
d. She arrived at 10 p.m. and left at 6.a.m.
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ANSWER: d. She arrived at 10 p.m. and left at 6.a.m.

15. A sentence has been divided into 4 parts. Choose which part contains an error. If there is no error choose option ‘e’.

a. He always took
b. Pride of
c. The high standard
d. Of his work
e. No error
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ANSWER: b. Pride of

16. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined Idiom in the sentence given below.

i. I called him up and held out the olive branch by calling him for a movie.

a. To think of
b. To change one’s mind
c. To accept eagerly
d. To make a peace offering
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ANSWER: d. To make a peace offering

17. There are 2 sentences given below with two homonyms typed in bold which may be either mis – spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentences. Read both the sentences carefully and decide on their correctness on the basis of the bold words.

i. The grass around the creak was new and hence giving it a velvety look.
ii. He actually could hear the creeks of the walls settling.

a. If only sentence i is correct
b. If only sentence ii is correct
c. If both the sentences are correct
d. If both the sentences are incorrect but can be corrected by interchanging the words marked in bold.
e. If both the sentences are incorrect and cannot be interchanged as well.
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ANSWER: e. If both the sentences are incorrect and cannot be interchanged as well.

18. A group of three interrelated words are given. Choose the correct alternative that belongs to the same group.

Ohm : Watt : Volt : ?

a. Light
b. Electricity
c. Ampere
d. Hour
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ANSWER: c. Ampere

19. The below given sentences have two words marked in bold. The meaning of both the words remains the same in context to the sentence, find the meaning for the words.

i. There was a moment of silence in the court, but the judge did not release her.
ii. Carmen was more than satisfied with their home and what she called a lavish budget.

a. Free
b. Discharge
c. Liberalise
d. Liberate
e. Squander
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ANSWER: a. Free

20. Two sentences are given below. Combine both the sentences in a way so that the meaning of both the sentence should remain the same. Choose the correct option.

i. Cats are good pets. They are clean and are not noisy

a. As
b. Though
c. For
d. Because
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ANSWER: c. For

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