Dataview component of ADO.NET

Define Dataview component of ADO.NET.

- A DataView object allows you work with data of DataTable of DataSet object.

- It is associated with a DataTable and sits on the top of DataTable.

- It is used to filter and sort data. Data sorting is accomplished by setting the Sort property and data filter by setting the RowFilter property.

- It is synonymous with a view in a database and describes a view of the data which may reside in a data table.

- There can be more than one view of the data.

- It can have a dynamic constraint such as the filter which shapes the data on a particular column and can change the filters value to provide a dynamic view of the data.
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Define Dataview component of ADO.NET.
A dataview object represents bindable, customized view of a DataTable object. Operations like Sorting, Filtering, Searching, Editing and Navigation may be performed on a DataView object.

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