- AOP does not replace OOP. AOP extends OOP. The ideas and practices of OOP stay relevant. Having a good object design will probably make it easier to extend it with aspects.
- Benefits of applying AOP:
- The logic for each concern is now in one place, as opposed to being scattered all over the code base.
- Classes are cleaner since they only contain code for their primary concern (or core functionality) and secondary concerns have been moved to aspects.


- Addresses cross cutting concerns
- Code creation is clear.
- Reusability of code is at a great extent.
- Properly separates business logic into reusable code.
- Modularization is based o Processes / Functionalities.

- Functinality is within a class.
- Code modularization is into real world objects.
- Implementation is forced by the developer.
- Modularity is based on real world objects.
Similarities between AOP and OOPs
Similarities between AOP and OOPs - Both extends and alter the behaviour of code.........
Advantages of AOP and problem solved by AOP
Advantages of AOP and problem solved by AOP - The following are the advantages of AOP: Code layering, Cross-cutting concerns, Code adjusting......
Ruby - Overview of Ruby programming language
An open source programming language that focuses on simplicity and productivity. The syntax of Ruby language is elegant which is natural to read and easy to write.......
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