Concepts and capabilities of ATL Server
Explain the concepts and capabilities of ATL Server. - ATL Server is developed by Microsoft for developing web based applications. - ATL Server is a library of C++ classes that allow developers to build internet based applications. - It includes a template library which is dedicated for use with developing Web-based applications.
It provides the functionality required to build large scale internet sites like: - SOAP messaging - caching facilities - threading facilities - regular expression processing - management of session-state - performance monitoring - MIME support - Integration with IIS and class for interacting with security - cryptographic infrastructure.
ATL Server architectureExplain the ATL Server architecture - The Web server receives requests from the client and passes them on to the ISAPI extension DLL when the request is for a file extension handled by that DLL........
Why ATL Server?Why ATL Server? - It provides the functionality required to build large scale internet sites like:.........