Ant Interview Questions and Answers - Freshers & Experienced

Concepts and capabilities of ANT - Ant is a build tool that is java based. A build tool performs the following tasks:..
How to start to use ANT and provide a Hello World ant script - Before start using ant, we should be clear about the project name and the .java files and most importantly, the path where the .class files are to be placed...
Explain how to set classpath in ANT - The following is the code snippet to set the classpath in ant:....
How does ANT read properties? - Properties in ant are set in an order. Once a property is set, later the same property can not overwrite the previous one......
Explain how to modify properties in ANT - We can not modify the properties in ant. The properties in ant are immutable in nature...
Explain how to use Runtime in ANT - There is no need to use Runtime in ant. Because ant has Runtime counterpart by name ExecTask...
How can I use ANT to run a Java application? - The following is an example to run a java application in using ant:...
Explain how to debug my ANT script - Ant script can be debugged in the following ways: By echoing at the place to debug. The problem is easily known. This is similar to printf () function in C and System.out.println() in Java....
How can I write my own ANT task? - Define the user defined custom script and use taskdef to define in the custom script.....
Explain how to use ANT-contrib tasks - Copy the ant-contrib.jar to the directory ant*/lib. Copy ant-contrib.jar to your ant*/lib directory.
Explain how to make ANT user interactive - The interface is used to implement the user input.....