Why do companies outsource their work? - BPO FAQ

Why do companies outsource their work?

There are mainly four reasons for a company to outsource its work:

a.) Cost saving
b.) Focus on core activities
c.) Access to special enterprise who has expertise in the domain.
d.) Other resource related reasons like relieving resource constraints, reducing IT staff and augmenting IT staff .

What do following abbreviations stand for?

a.) BPM - Business Process Management
b.) BTO - Business Transformation Outsourcing
c.) BPO2 - Business Process Optimizing and Outsourcing
d.) KPO - Knowledge Process Outsourcing
e.) MBPO - Medical Business Process Outsourcing
f.) HRO - Human Resource Outsourcing
g.) RPO - Research Process Outsourcing
h.) EPO - Engineering Process Outsourcing
i.) ESO - Engineering Services Outsourcing
j.) Procurement BPO - Outsourcing the procurement activities.
What are voice based BPOS? - BPO FAQ
What are voice based BPOS? - Voice based BPOs are those BPOs where you are required to talk to the customers. It may be for sales or support or service or anything else.........
What is off-shore outsourcing? - BPO FAQ
What is off-shore outsourcing? - When a work process is out-sourced to a different country which is not nearby – it is called off-shore outsourcing..........
What is a call centre? - BPO FAQ
What is a call centre? - Call centres are voice based BPOs. These are usually used for sales, customer service or support activities.........
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i want more bpo informaion
prajakta shete 03-3-2018
hi this is chandra
i need interview questions on non voice jobs in "First Source Solutions Ltd., 38-8-7, Datta Towers, MG Road, Vijayawada Opp All India Radio Station"
chandra sekhar 11-8-2014
i want to interview question bpo

shah alam 10-8-2013
i want to know the intrvw pattern regarding BPO
how many and what rounds will be there.......?
sona 01-30-2013
Professional course in BPO
I'm Mohd Yunis Rather from j&k and my Distt:is Shopian
Mohd yunis 09-26-2012
companies outsource for cost savings only. all other reasons are bulls*it. the companies get really cheap labour, tax benefits, do not have to invest it space or plan for future expansion nor worry about firing staff when not required. as an added benefit they get to treat people like personal slaves!
anuj 01-12-2012
BPO Interview - great details!
Thanks for these details. I wouldn't have prepared these questions about the industry. They look important now.
Pragya Madan 11-7-2011