Advantages of inline functions - C++

Advantages of inline functions.

A function when defined as INLINE, the code from the function definition is directly copied into the code of the calling function. A function is defined as inline using the 'inline' keyword as shown below :
inline float add(float i, float j) { return i + j};
Advantages : - It avoids the overhead of calling the actual function. This is because the complier performs and inline expansion which eliminates the time overhead when a function is called.
- It reduces space as no separate set of instructions in memory is written.

Advantages of inline functions.

- It relieves the burden involved in calling a function.
- It is used for functions that need fast execution.
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this pointer
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priya 03-2-2013
this job is very useful and more than peoples like this ...............................................................................................................................................
priya 03-2-2013