What is overloading template? - C++

What is overloading template? Explain it with an example.

- A template function overloads itself as needed. But we can explicitly overload it too. Overloading a function template means having different sets of function templates which differ in their parameter list.
- Consider following example :
#include <iostream>

template <class X> void func(X a)
   // Function code;
   cout <<”Inside f(X a) \n”;

template <class X, class Y> void func(X a, Y b) //overloading function template func()
   // Function code;
   cout <<”Inside f(X a, Y b) \n”;

int main()
   func(10); // calls func(X a)
   func(10, 20); // calls func(X a, Y b)
   return 0;
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