What is BMS Map?
What is BMS Map?- It stands for Basic Mapping Support System. - Its objective is to free the Application Program. - Free AP from Device Dependent codes and format. - A screen defined Through BMS is Map. - There are two types of maps. 1. Physical Map 2. Symbolic MapWhich Integrated development program (explorer) support CICS?- The Eclipse ide is supported all Features of COBOL,CICS etc. - It is an software which support multi languages for development programs. - It also support various plug-ins. - Plug-ins are used to enhance productivity. - It supports Ada, C, C++, COBOL, Perl, PHP, Python,Ruby Framework, - Scala and Schema.What is Z- notation and how relate with CICS?- Z is a mathematical notation. - It is used to produce mathematical text. - It is two types: 1. Discrete 2. Structural - Z text can be processed by machines. - Now a days many software are available for building Z text. - Some Parts of CICS are formalised with Z-notation.
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