National & International Events - Current Affairs for September, 2016
National & International Events Current Affairs for September, 2016
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▼ YUDH ABHYAS 2016 – Indo-US joint military exercise [09-13-16]
Part of ongoing Indo-US defence cooperation, a joint military training exercise “YUDH ABHYAS 2016” will be conducted in the foothills of Himalayas at Chaubattia in Uttarakhand from September 14 to 27.
- Under the aegis of the Headquarter Central Command, this is one of the longest joint military training and bilateral defence cooperation endeavour between India and the US
- Two week exercise will witness the participation of 225 personnel of the US Army and a Congo Brigade of the Indian army
- This is the 12th edition of the exercise hosted alternately by the two nations
- Both nations will work for counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations in mountainous terrain under UN charter.
- Training will lead to a final validation exercise in which troops of both nations can carry out operations against terrorism
- The exercise will have a section on the Brigade HQ based Command Post Exercise
- This is an infantry company carrying out field training exercise and discussions on issues of mutual interest by experts in both nations.