Explain how to test data loading in database testing.1. Perform the following while involving in data load testing:
2. Know about the data tables, columns and associated constraints, data types
3. Know the target data tables, columns, data types, constraints
4. Check the source and target compatibility
5. Open the corresponding DTS package by using SQL Enterprise manager and execute the DTS package, in case your database server is SQL Server
6. Compare the source data columns and target data columns
7. Cross check the number of rows in both source and target
8. Update the source data and observe the change in reflecting in target or not
9. Check the junk characters and NULLs in the columns of tables.
- The data from source tables to target tables in terms of data types and constraints must be verified. The number of rows of source and target tables must be compared. The data in the source table must be changed to ensure it reflects in target. NULL values and junk values must be checked.