Should gambling be legalized?
Gambling cannot be legalized because:-- Legalizing gambling can affect young children a lot. Since it can get a person a lot of money in an easy way, young children may follow the wrong path.
- Gambling becomes addictive very easily. This leads to a lot of debts. Family problems occur and there are fights in the house.
- Even though gambling may get a lot of money, if a person looses, social impact is heavy.
- Citizens should be encouraged for better things rather than legalizing gambling. Gambling undoubtedly may generate a lot of revenue; legalizing gambling will make people loose their savings in the thirst of earning money the easy way.
- Legalizing gambling would also attract people who didn’t gamble at all!
- Gambling may lead to political corruption as well.
Gambling can be legal because:-- It may generate a lot of revenue for the government
- It is a form of relaxation for many people.
- Many illegal casinos may open which is even worse.
- It could serve as an additional source of income.
There are some people who may not be able to earn some money because of some disability. Gambling could be the right choice for them. How much to gamble depends on individual. As long as the person does not create domestic issues and violence as long as he does not become additive, gambling is OK.