J2EE web container
Provide an overview of web container.- The web container is used to implement the web components functionality.
- The functionality specifies an environment, called as runtime environment which the web components security, deployment, life-cycle management transaction management, request-response services.
- A container manages the servlet / JSP/ EJB functionality.
- J2EE server runs the components and the containers.
- A web container will also manage the database connection pooling, data persistence and access to the J2EE API.Explain the Java Servlet programming model.- The servlets are server side components in a web application.
- These components platform independent and on any server as the java technology is platform independence.
- The servlets are dynamically loaded by the JRE of servlets.
- When a request is received from a client, the web container / web server will ignite the servlet. The servlet processes the request and sends the response back to the container / web server which in turn it sends the response back to the client.Describe in brief about deployment descriptors.- A deployment descriptor describes the configuration information to deploy a web application.
- For a web application, it directs the deployment tool that is to deploy a module for a specific container such as ejb container / servlet/jsp container.
- For web applications the deployment descriptor is web.xml and must be placed in a WEB-INF directory of a web application root directory.
- For EE deployment descriptor the name should be application.xml and must be placed in a META-INF directory at the top level of the application .ear file.Explain the J2EE container architecture.J2EE Container Architecture:
- The J2EE application components needs support at runtime.
- This support is provided by J2EE containers.
- They use protocols, methods of the containers to access other application components.
- The containers of J2EE are:
1. Web Container 2. EJB Container.
1. Web Container:
- It is used to host web applications. - It provides the run time environment to execute Servlet and JSP component types.
2. EJB Container:
- The business logic is dealt by the server components called EJB components. - The access to local and remote enterprise beans is provided by the EJB container. - The operations of the three beans namely Entity Bean, Session Bean and Message-driven bean are handled by the EJB Container.
J2EE ArchitectureJ2EE Architecture - Types of container, J2EE container architecture, Technologies that J2EE platform provides, J2EE APIs