Explain JSP Actions in brief.JSP actions can be used to print a script expression, create and store a Java Bean and for many other things. They are used for constructs in XML syntax to control the behavior of the servlet engine.
Dynamic insertion of files, reuse of JavaBeans components, forwarding a user to another page or generation of HTML for the java plug-in can be done.
Available actions include:
<jsp:include> – Includes a file at the time when the page is requested. <jsp:useBean> - Finds or instantiates a Java Bean. <jsp:setProperty> - Sets the property of a Java Bean. <jsp:getProperty> - Inserts the property of a Java Bean into the output. <jsp:forward> - Forwards the requests to a new page. <jsp:plugin> - Used to generate browser specific HTML to specify Java applets. This tag is replaced by either an <object> or <embed> tag depending on what is more appropriate for the Client Browser.What is JSP Actions?JSP actions or action tags are the constructs that follows an XML syntax. The behavior of the servlet engine is controlled by these action. Using JSP actions, a file is inserted into another page dynamically, reuse a bean component, or forward a user from one page to another page.
The following are the JSP action tags.