Java Authentication and Authorization Service, JAAS - JAAS is an API used for identifying a user or computer that is attempting to execute Java code.....
Features of JAAS - The features of JAAS are:A Pluggable Authentication Module framework of Java....
JAAS services - JAAS authentication component reliably and securely determines who is currently processing Java code....
JAAS authentication - The steps that are involved in JAAS authentication are: Creation of LoginContext.....
Authorization with JAAS - JAAS authorization is an extension of Java security architecture..
Authentication Files - – This file has main() method. The main() method creates a LoginContext object.....
Authorization Files - – This class is similar to the class with one difference....
What are JAAS permissions? - Permissions are the core part of authorization. Access to resources is controlled by permissions........
Login Process in JAAS - The login process starts when an access request to an application that is running on Java Authentication System....