How do you assign object properties?

How do you assign object properties in JavaScript?

Java script object properties are assigned like assigning a value to a variable.

For example, the title property of document object can be assigned as follows:
document.title="Welcome to the world of Javascripting";

The submit value of form’s action object is assigned as follows:

How do you assign object properties in JavaScript?

JavaScript window Object Properties

1. window.closed - indicates whether a window has been closed or not.

2. window.defaultstatus / window.status - specifies the default message / message displayed in the browser status bar.

3. window.frames[] - This array holds the array of frame objects of the window

4. - Contains the name of the window object. (Windows opened by a script need to have a name)

5. window.opener - contains a reference of the parent window which opened it.

6. window.parent - contains a reference to the window object that contains the frame

7. window.screen - contains information about the screen on which the window is displayed like height, width, availHeight, availWidth and colorDepth.

8. window.self - A reference to the current window.

9. - A reference to the top-level window when working with frames.
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