Explain the 3 MVC frameworks that are within JFace, i.e. JFace viewers, JFace text The implementation of MVC framework in JFace is done by using content provider and label provider.
JFace viewer: The JFace viewer framework is an independent module for JFace which needs some knowledge of SWT. The abstract base classes for viewers comprise the framework. The base class is the Viewer which is an extension of a structured viewer. The Viewer acts as a widget container. It is the responsibility for the content provider to respond to the various modifications to the model by informing the viewer, what to change (using add () and remove () methods).
Each viewer registers with the label provider for identifying / notifying the changes that would affect the viewers display.
JFace Text: The JFace text provides a framework for the creation and manipulation of text documents. IDocument is the major abstraction for the text model. The content management, position management using portion categories, document partition management, and change notification is provided by this text model.
The changes / notifications are identified by mandatorily implementing the IDocumentListener and registering with the document. The position and partition updating actions are implemented by using IDocumentPositionUpdater and IDocumentPartitioner.
Explain the 3 MVC frameworks that are within JFace, i.e. JFace viewers, JFace text1. JFace viewers allow the creation of a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture. 2. The view is the underlying SWT widget, the model is specified by the framework user, and the JFace viewer and its associated components form the controller. 3. The viewer input is a model element that seeds the population of the viewer. -JFace Text is a sophisticated framework which allows an Eclipse plug-in developer to build text editors with advanced features, such as syntax highlighting, basic content assistance and code formatting. -An understanding of JFace Text is very important for Eclipse developers because most Eclipse plug-ins involve a text editor of some kind. It is very powerful although it is not an easy API to understand.