NET - Explain how to use XML to deserialize an object.

Explain how to use XML to deserialize an object.

- Deserialization is the process of taking XML-formatted data and converting it to a .NET framework object.

- The XmlSerializer class is used to deserialize the string to an instance of the Test class.

- To obtain a suitable stream that can be passed into the XmlSerializer's constructor, a StringReader (from the System.IO namespace) is declared.


FileStream fStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);

XmlReader rdr = new XmlTextReader(fStream);

Class1 cls1;

cls1 = (Class1) srl.Deserialize(rdr);

- The XML stream is saved to a file and the same file is then read back and reconstructed into a copy of the original object using the Deserialize method.

- To deserialize the objects, call the Deserialize method with the FileStream as an argument.
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