What is .Net Web Service?

What is .Net Web Service?

- Web service is the way to publish application's function on web that can be accessible to the rest of the world.
- Web services are the components that can be used by other applications.
- ASP.NET offers easy way to develop web services, just precede the functions with a special WebMethod ()> attribute in order them to work as Web Service.
- Web services are discovered using UDDI directory services.
- Web services are built on XML standard and use SOAP protocol that allows them to communicate across different platforms and programming languages.
- Web services easily manage to work across corporate firewalls as they use HTTP protocol which is firewall friendly.
- Web services platform elements are
    SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
    UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)
    WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
- The web services are built on internet standards that are not platform or language specific.
- The .Net framework provides in-built classes to build and consume web services.
- The components offered by web services are reusable.
- The examples of web service components can be shipment tracking, translation utility, weather forecasting, sports scores etc.
Define SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI
SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI - SOAP, Simple Object Access Protocol is a communication protocol, a way to structure data before transmitting it, is based on XML standard..
.Net Web Service protocols - Explain the protocols a .Net Web Service uses
.Net Web Service protocols - In .Net, a web service is bind with three different protocols such as HTTP/POST, HTTP/GET, and SOAP.
.Net web services documentation - Explain how to document .Net web services.
.Net web services documentation - ASP.NET web services are considered as self documenting as they provides all information about what methods are available
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nice one in simple words srikanth
swathi 05-21-2015
Web Service is an application that is designed to interact directly with other applications over the internet. In simple sense, Web Services are means for interacting with objects over the Internet. The Web serivce consumers are able to invoke method calls on remote objects by using SOAP and HTTP over the Web. WebService is language independent and Web Services communicate by using standard web protocols and data formats, such as
srikanth 09-9-2012