Networking - Define Telnet
Define Telnet- Telnet is the main Internet protocol for creating a connection to a remote server. - It is a command and an underlying TCP/IP protocol which is used for accessing remote computers. - By using telnet the administrator can access anyones computer remotely. - It is mostly used by developers who need to access certain applications from a particular host computer.
Networking - Define SMTPDefine SMTP - SMTP - Short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers.........
Networking - What is a MAC Address?What is a MAC Address? - MAC (Media Access Control) addresses are globally unique addressed that are written into hardware at the time of manufacture.........
Networking - MAC vs. IP AddressingMAC vs. IP Addressing - Whereas MAC addressing works at the data link layer, IP addressing functions at the network layer (layer 3).........