How do you increase the performance of %LIKE operator? - The % placed after he search word can enable the use of index if one is specified in the index column.....
What is a standby database? Physical vs logical standby databases - A standby database is a backup database that can be promoted should the primary fail...
What is Cache Fusion Technology? - Cache fusion treats multiple buffer caches as one joint global cache....
What is simple replication and advance replication? - Replication is the process of creating and maintaining replicas of database objects in a distributed database system....
How are the indexes updated? - Whenever a table partition is modified using a DDL command, the associated index partitions are placed in the default tablespace...
Latches vs Enqueues - Enqueues permit several concurrent processes to have varying degree of sharing of resources...
Difference between a hot backup and a cold backup - A cold backup is done when there is no user activity going on with the system...
How many memory layers are in the oracle shared pool? - Oracles shared pool consists of two layers namely, Library cache and Data dictionary cache.....
Cache hit ratio - When the cache client like a CPU, web browser etc finds a successful entry in the cache memory, it is called as a cache hit...
DUAL table - On installing Oracle database, DUAL table Is present by default. It is a special table with just one row.....
What are the ways tablespaces can be managed? - Objects can be assigned to a table space. The related objects can be then grouped together...
Explain what are Oracle Catalog and Oracle Archive log - Oracle catalog contains tables and views to get information about the database...
What are PCT Free and PCT Used? What is PCT increase parameter in segment? - PCTFREE is a parameter used to find how much space should be left in a database block for future updates..
What is dump destination? What are bdump, cdump and udump? - Trace files for Oracle processes are stored in dump destination....
What is the difference between Cloning and Standby databases? - The clone database is a copy of the database which can be opened in read write mode.....
Why use materialized view instead of a table? - Materialized views are basically used to increase query performance since it contains results of a query.....
Why and how the deadlock situation arises? - A deadlock situation arises when two or more users wait for the same resource locked by one anther.....