PHP - Explain how to get the DNS servers of a domain name.

Explain how to get the DNS servers of a domain name.

function get_dns($domain)
    $end = substr("$domain",-2);


    $fp = fsockopen( "$lookup", 43, &$errno, &$errstr, 10);
    fputs($fp, "$domain\r\n");

      $buf = fgets($fp,128);
      if (ereg( "Domain servers", $buf))
        {$dns = fgets($fp,128);}
        {$dns .= fgets($fp,128);}
     if (ereg( "Name Server:", $buf))
        {$dns = fgets($fp,128);}
        {$dns .= fgets($fp,128);}
        $dns = str_replace( "Name Server:", "", $buf);
        $dns = str_replace( "Server:", "", $dns);
        $dns = trim($dns);
     Return $dns;

Explain how to get the DNS servers of a domain name.

The process is :

- Include the Net/DNS.php file in the beginning of the script
- Create the object for DNS resolver by using $ndr = Net_DNS_Resolver()
- Query the ip address using $ndr->search(“”,”A”) and assign to a relevant variable. Ex: $result
- Display the value of $result
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