What are the role, nature and responsibilities of a PR person?Answer 1 -
The PR professional has to:
- Understand the requirement of his company or client - Write press releases - Organize news conferences - Produce company newsletters. - Deal with PR agencies - Deal with media - Deal with management
The nature of his jobs needs him to:
- Think logically during a crisis - Analyze and update himself with the trends in the industry - Be aware about the clients competitors and its presence and activities in the market - Have excellent media relations - Be a good Public Speaker - Represent his company at conferences -Arrange press launches - Act as the client’s spokesperson - Provide training to the client to be his/her own spokesperson - Do Online PR - Manage Events - Evaluation the effect of a PR activity - Establish corporate identity - Do strategic planning
Answer 2 -
The roles and responsibilities of a PR person are as follows:
- To define the objectives and targets of PR department - Media management - Establishing the good image of the organization in a periodic manner - Conduct market intelligence and pulse the public opinion about the company to Senior Management - Writing, editing and distributing news releases to mass media - Training & development - Liaison with professional bodies, government authorities and trade associations - Generating sponsorship for PR events - Organizing press conferences etc.