SQL Server - What is the STUFF and how does it differ from the REPLACE function?

What is the STUFF and how does it differ from the REPLACE function?

Both STUFF and REPLACE are used to replace characters in a string.

select replace('abcdef','ab','xx') results in xxcdef

select replace('defdefdef','def','abc') results in abcabcabc
We cannot replace a specific occurrence of “def” using REPLACE.

select stuff('defdefdef',4, 3,'abc') results in defabcdef

where 4 is the character to begin replace from and 3 is the number of characters to replace.

What is the STUFF and how does it differ from the REPLACE function?

STUFF function is used to insert a string into another string by deleting some characters specified.

The function below inserts the string “nny” at the 2nd position and replaces a total of 3 characters.

SELECT STUFF('john', 2, 3, 'nny')


On the other hand, REPLACE instead of replacing specific characters, replaces existing characters of all occurrences.

SELECT REPLACE ('Johnnohneny','ohn','ccc');

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