What is SSL? - SSL is Secured Socket Layer. SSL is used to establish a secured and an encrypted connection between a server and the browser.........
What are the two important TCP Socket classes? - The Socket class provides enriched methods and properties for network communications.......
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Java Sockets? - Advantages: Flexible and powerful, cause low network traffic if efficiently used, only updated information can be sent..........
What is race condition? How does the race condition occur? - A race condition occurs when there are two or more processes trying to access the same data concurrently or performing the same operation concurrently.......
What is meant by Symmentric Multiprocessing (SMP)? - Symmetric Multiprocessing allows any processor to do work of another processor.........
What are TP-Lite and TP-Heavy Monitors? - TP – Lite is an integration of TP Monitor functions in a database engine......