What is Spring? - Spring is a framework that resolves common problems in JEE architecture....
Different modules in Spring framework - Spring has the following modules: The Core container module – The fundamental functionality is provided by this module......
Core container module and Application context module - Core Container Module: This module is the fundamental module of spring framework. For a spring-based application, BeanFactory is the core....
What is a BeanFactory and XMLBeanFactory? - BeanFactory: Bean factory is a container. It configures, instantiates and manages a set of beans......
What is AOP Alliance? - AOP Alliance is an open source project. Promoting adoption of AOP and interoperability....
Spring configuration file - A spring configuration file is an XML file which contains the information about classes......
What does a simple spring application contain? - A spring application is like any other Java application. The applications contain classes, each of them perform a specific task with the application.......
Bean lifecycle in Spring framework - The bean’s definition is found by the spring container from the XML file and instantiates the bean..
What is bean wiring? - Bean wiring is the process of combining beans with Spring container...
How to add a bean in spring application - The id attribute of the bean tag specifies the name of the bean and the fully qualified class name is specified by the class attribute.....
Singleton beans and prototype beans - All beans defined in the spring framework are singleton beans. The bean tag has an attribute by name ‘singleton’.....
What is Auto wiring? - Searching for objects with the same name of object property is called auto wiring in Spring..
What is meant by Weaving? - The process of applying aspects to a target object for creating a new proxy object is referred to as weaving...
Different types of AutoProxying - BeanNameAutoProxyCreator, DefaultAdvisorAutoProxyCreator, Metadata autoproxying..
DataAccessException - DataAccessException is an unchecked RuntimeException. These type of exceptions are unforced by users to handle....
PreparedStatementCreator - To write data to database, PreparedStatementCreator is the most commonly used interface.....
BatchPreparedStatementSetter - Updating more than one row at a time, the BatchPreparedStatementSetter is used...
RowCallbackHandler - ResultSet is generally used to navigate the records. The spring framework is provided with RowCallbackHandler interface....