Explain directory structure for a struts folder.

Explain directory structure for a struts folder.

1. META-INF : Contains meta information. Used by utilities etc.

2. WEB-INF/classes : This is where you place you own Java classes.

3. WEB-INF/classes/ApplicationResources.properties : Contains the messages (fixed texts) of the application. Error messages are also put here.

4. WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar :Contains the Struts servlet, helper classes, taglib code etc.

5. WEB-INF/*.tld : The Struts tag libraries.

6. WEB-INF/struts-config.xml :A Struts configuration file. More on this later.

7. WEB-INF/web.xml : The usual configuration file for the servlet container. More on this later.

8. index.jsp : The jsp-files (and html-files) may be placed in the root of the application directory. "struts-blank" contains this single jsp-file.
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