What is Swing? - Swing is a library of GUI controls. Classes in swing are not OS dependent...
What is AWT? - Abstract Window Toolkit provides a standard Application Programming Interface for writing Graphical User..
Differences between Swing and AWT - Swing is a library of GUI controls. Classes in swing are not OS dependent....
Heavyweight components and lightweight component - In Java AWT - Abstract Window Toolkit, GUI components created are OS dependent....
Controls and types of controls in AWT - Controls are components that allow a user to interact with your application....
What is JFC? What are the features of JFC? - ....
Difference between Swing and JSF - JSF applications cannot operate when a network is not present....
Difference between AWT and SWT - Abstract Windows Toolkit (AWT) is the original Java GUI tool kit....
Difference between JFC and WFC - JFC supports robust and portable user interfaces.....