What is staged and continuous models in CMMI?Staged Model: The staged model has groups of process areas which are divided into 5 levels. This stage is used by the ancestor software development CMM. It is represented to achieve a CMMI Level Rating from a SCAMPI appraisal.
Continuous Model: The continuous representation, used by the ancestor systems engineering CMM, is defined as the capability levels within each profile.
The differences between these two representations are completely organizational; but the content is equivalent.
- Staged models in CMMI, focus on process improvement using stages or maturity levels. In staged representation each process area has one specific goal. Achieving a goal would mean improvement in control and planning of the tasks associated with the process. Staged representation has 5 maturity levels.
- Continuous model in CMMI follow a recommended order for approaching process improvement within each specified process area. It allows the user to select the order of improvement that best meets the organization’s business objectives. Continuous representation has 6 capability levels.What are Staged and Continuous Models in CMMI?In CMMI, process areas can be either of the 2 types: continuous or staged representation. In Continuous representation, process areas are the summary components. Every process area then has specific goals that are implemented using best practices. It also includes generic goals and generic practices to achieve them. The individual process areas refer to specific goals and practices whereas the generic ones apply to multiple goals. In staged representation, summary components are the maturity levels. Every maturity level has process areas, with their goals and practices. Practices are categorized into common features:
a. Commitment to perform b. Ability to perform c. Activities performed d. Directing implementation e. Verifying implementation
Testing - What is capability levels in continous representation?What is capability levels in continous representation? - There are 6 capability levels for Continuous representation: Level 0: Not performed, Level 1: Performed, Level 2: Managed, Level 3: Defined, Level 4: Quantitatively managed, Level 5: Optimizing..........