Testing - What is Big-bang waterfall model?

What is Big-bang waterfall model?

Big bang Model of S/w development is based on the big bang theory.

- A huge amount of people, money and time are put together, lot of energy is expended and the s/w is produced.

- Big-bang model is simple. There is little or no planning, scheduling or any other formal development process. All the effort spent on developing the s/w and writing the code. It delivers the solution once and in one go.

- The waterfall model is also known as the Big-bang model because all modules using waterfall module follows the cycle independently and then put together.

- Big Bang model follows a sequence to develop a software application.

- It slowly moves to the next phase starting from requirement analysis followed by design, implementation, testing and finally integration and maintenance.

- Big bang waterfall model delivers the complete solution once and in one go. That’s why it’s termed Big Bang.

Following is the approach:

- Customer provides complete overall requirements.
- Design follows
- The design is built / developed.
- The development work is tested.
- The system is implemented.

One should go with Big bang waterfall model if:

- Contract of work is completely defined and accurate.
- Requirement and acceptance criteria is completely defined and accurate
- It is feasible to finish the work within given constraints.
- No change in requirements is expected.
- Problem and proposed solution both are clearly understood by all stakeholders.
- No mistakes can occur in requirements, design phases.
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