VB.NET - Keyboard events

Keyboard events in VB.NET.

- Keyboard events allow you to validate keystrokes.

- They are raised by the control that has the focus and is receiving input.

Following are the key events:

1. KeyDown
2. KeyUp
3. KeyPress

- This allows you to detect when a key on the keyboard was held down.

- This useful for things like validating text in a textbox.


- It is raised as soon as the person presses a key on the keyboard, it repeats while the user holds the key depressed.

- It occurs when a key is pressed down and the control has focus.

Private Sub txtbox1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventAgrs) Handles txtbox1.KeyDown

End Sub


- It is raised after the person releases a key on the keyboard.

- It occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.

Private Sub txtbox1_KeyUp(sender As Object, e As KeyEventAgrs) Handles txtbox1.KeyDown

End Sub

- The KeyDown and KeyUp events get an argument using KeyEventArgs. It has the following properties:

1. Handled : It indicates if the KeyPress event is handled.
2. KeyChar : It stores the character corresponding to the pressed.


- It is raised for character keys while the key is pressed and then released by the user.

- The KeyPress event is not raised by noncharacter keys.

- It occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.

Private Sub txtbox1_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyEventAgrs) Handles txtbox1.KeyDown

End Sub
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