What is WebSphere? - WebSphere refers to a brand for IBM software products...
WebSphere Commerce - WebSphere Commerce is a software platform framework from IBM....
Architecture of WebSphere - WebSphere architecture consists of one or more computer systems which are called nodes. Nodes are available within WebSphere cell.....
Features present in websphere - The following are the features of WebSphere:Suports the Servlet/JSP container functionality which runs on top of HTTP.....
What is IBM WebSphere edge server? - WebSphere Edge Server allows deploying parts of an application that contains servlets or JSP components.....
What is extended deployment in WebSphere? - WebSphere Extended Deployment is a new product for IBM WebSphere software. WED extends the WebSphere software platform.....
Asymmetric clustering in WebSphere - In asymmetric clustering, the partitions can be declared dynamically and usually run on a single cluster at a time.....
What is Websphere MQ JMS Provider? - The usage of WebSphere MQ is employed to use as Java Message Service provider for JEE applications which are deployed in WebSphere Application Server....
Attribute CHANNEL in websphere MQ - A channel is a connection that is to establish a link between sending channel and receiving channel....
Websphere MQ Real time transport - It is a lightweight protocol. This protocol is optimized for use with messages that are non-persistent.....