XML - XML, Extensible Markup Language, is an open, text based markup language that provides structural and semantic information to data......
XML document - They must have a root tag, the document should be well formed : the tags should be properly closed, since XML is case sensitive, one should take care.....
XML DTD is a rule book that an XML document follows. Once DTD is ready, you can create number of XML documents following the same rules......
XML CDATA section - The term CDATA is used when you dont want some text data to be parsed by the XML parser....
XSL - XSL is a language for expressing style sheets. An XSL style sheet is a file that describes the way to display an XML document....
XML XQuery & XPATH - Xquery is a query language that is used to retrieve data from XML documents.....
XMLA - It is a Microsoft specified XML-messaging-based protocol for exchanging analytical data between client applications and servers...
XML DOM and SAX - What is DOM?, Explain the difference between DOM and SAX, Explain the features of DOM, What is SAX? Explain its features.....
XML Namespace - An XSL sheet or a document may have duplicate elements and attributes. Therefore, the XML namespaces define a way to distinguish between....
XML data binding - XML data binding refers to the process of representing the information in an XML document as an object in computer memory......
XML encoding error - XML documents can contain non ASCII characters, like Norwegian æ ø å , or French ê è é which introduce errors.....
XML Serialization - XML Serialization makes it possible to convert any common language runtime objects into XML documents or streams and vise versa....
XML - You need to first create a table in oracle that matches with the fields of the XML data..
XML indexes - The primary XML index is a B+tree and is useful because the optimizer creates a plan for the entire query....
XML & SQL Server - SQL Server 2000 provides the facility to retrieve data in the form of XML with the help of the FOR XML clause appended to the end of a SELECT statement....
What is EXtensible Application Markup Language (XAML)? - XAML is a markup language used to define dynamic or static UIs for .NET applications.....
Advantages of XAML - Easy designing of a UI - Shorter code then the previous designing techniques....
While creating XML documents, it is important to structure the elements such as name of the elements and datatypes.....
SQL Server is having a fantastic feature to retrieve data persisted in the form of XML format. The data in the XML format.......
SAX is developed especially for java programs. It implements a model that is memory resident.......
DTD supports two types of data – CDATA and PCDATA. Schema supports numeric, Boolean and String data types and suitable for applications.......
Parsing the XML document is the only way to validate the XML file.......
A transformation rule describes a style sheet. Transmission rule is a combination of a pattern and a template.......
XPath specifies the path in the XML document which has hierarchical elements......
The xsl:output element specifies how to display the result tree. The XSL processor produces the output result tree......
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