The main issue with web based development is performance. In ASP.NET Opening a
database connection and retrieving data is a slow operation. The best way to
improve the performance of your data access code is not to access the database
at all.
By taking advantage of caching, you can cache your database records in memory.
Retrieving data from the cache, on the other hand, is faster.
Caching is one of the best and often easiest ways to improve the performance of
an application. With caching, a copy of your data is stored in a location that
can be accessed very quickly. The idea with caching is that fetching data from
the cache should be faster than fetching it from the original data source.
Therefore, most caching solutions store data in memory, which is usually the
fastest way to get the data
The ASP.NET 3.5 Framework supports the following types of caching:
Page Output Caching
Partial Page Caching
DataSource Caching
Data Caching
Page Output Caching
Page Output Caching caches an entire page. It provides you to cache the entire
rendered contents of a page in memory. The next time that any user requests the
same page, the page is retrieved from the cache.
You enable Page Output Caching by adding an <%@ OutputCache %> directive
to a page.
Code written in .aspx file
<%@ OutputCache Duration=”20” VaryByParam=”none” %>
The above code displays the current server time in a Label control. If you
refresh the page multiple times, you will notice that the time is not updated
until at least 20 seconds have passed.
When you use the @ OutputCache directive, the Duration and VaryByParam
attributes are required. If you do not include them, a parser error occurs when
the page is first requested. If you do not want to use the functionality that
the VaryByParam attribute provides, you must set its value to None.
Caching Multiple Versions of a Page
ASP.NET allows you to cache multiple versions of a page response declaratively
by using attributes on the @ OutputCache directive and its VaryByParam
Suppose you need to create a separate master and details page. The master page
displays a list of employeeID. When you click a employeeID , the details page
displays detailed information of that particular employee.When you create a
master/details page, you typically pass a query string parameter between the
master and details page to indicate the particular employee detail to display
in the details page. If you cache the output of the details page, however, then
everyone will see the first employee detail selected. You can remove this
problem by using the VaryByParam attribute. The VaryByParam attribute causes a
new instance of a page to be cached when a different parameter is passed to the
page. (The parameter can be either a query string parameter or a form
Suppose we have two pages EmpMaster.aspx and detail.aspx.
Code written in EmpMaster.aspx file
Add directive to .aspx page
The page detail.aspx display detailed information of the employee selected from
the EmpMaster.aspx page.
You can assign two special values to the VaryByParam attribute:
none: It will ignore any query string or form parameters .
Only one version of the page is cached.
* : Causes a new cached version of the page to be created whenever there is a
change in any query string or form parameter passed to the page.
You also can assign a semicolon-delimited list of parameters to the VaryByParam
attribute when you want to create different cached versions of a page,
depending on the values of more than one parameter.
Specifying the Cache Location:
You can use the Location attribute of the <%@ OutputCache %> directive to
specify where a web page will be cached. This attribute have the following
The page is cached on the browser, proxy servers, and web server.
The page is cached only on the browser.
The page is cached on the browser and any proxy servers but not the web server.
The page is not cached.
The page is cached on the web server but not the browser or any proxy servers.
The page is cached on the browser and web server, but not on any proxy servers.
By default, when you use Page Output Caching, a page is cached in three
locations: web server, any proxy servers, and browser.
Using Partial Page Caching
Sometimes it is good to cache an entire page because some part of the page might
need to change on each request. When a page contains both dynamic and static
content at that time partial page caching is a good choice. For example, you
might want to cache a set of database records displayed in a page, but not
cache a random advertisement displayed in the same page. By the use of User
Control you can perform Partial Page Caching.
In this example we will see how we can use Partial Page Caching.
First we will create a simple user control named CurrentTime.ascx in which we
will display the time as user control time.
It includes an OutputCache directive, which causes the contents of the User
Control to be cached in memory for a maximum of 20 seconds. Because the control
includes an OutputCache directive, the entire rendered output of the control is
cached in memory.
We will put this User control on the Default.aspx Page.In this page we will
again take a label control and display the time.
When you refresh the page, the time displayed by the User control will not
changes, but the time displayed in the page will be changed.
DataSource Caching
There are four standard ASP.NET DataSource controls.
The LinqDataSource control does not support caching and remaining three supports
the DataSource caching. By default Caching is not enabled for data source
controls, but you can enable it by setting the control's EnableCaching property
to true. You have to specify CacheDuration property .The data is refreshed
automatically based on the seconds you specify using the CacheDuration
Suppose You have taken one GridView that id is EmpGridViev and a SqlDataSource
named srcEmployee.
id=”form1” runat=”server”>
id=” EmpGridViev”
DataSourceID=” srcEmployee”
id=” srcEmployee”
SelectCommand=”SELECT * FROM Employee”
ConnectionString=”<% connection string according to your settings %>”
Runat=”server” />
The data are cached in memory for a maximum of 1 hour (3600 seconds). If you are
not providing a value for the CacheDuration property, the default value is
Data Caching
ASP.NET provides a Cache class that allows you to store objects that require a
large amount of server resources to create in memory. Cache class uses
key\value pair to store the data. You can place items in the Cache and later
retrieve them for use.
The Cache class provides a important method named Insert ().There are several
overloaded versions of the Insert () method.
Specify the name of the unique key as string.
Provides the value of the new item.
You can provide one or more cache dependencies, such as a file, key, or SQL
You can provide an absolute expiration time for the cached item. If you don’t
need to specify a value for this property, use the static field
The time between when the object was last accessed and when the object should
be flushed from the cache. If you don’t need to specify a value for this
property, use the static field Cache.NoSlidingExpiration.
You can assign values AboveNormal, BelowNormal, Default, High, Low, Normal, and
Called automatically before the item is removed from the cache.
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Provide connection string");
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from emp",con);
Cache["empData"] = ds;
GridView1.DataSource = ds;
You can use Cache["empData"] in any web page within the application.Its
instances private to each application, and it is available only to that
particular application. When the application is restarted, the Cache object is
Cache Dependency
Cache dependency enables you to set the dependency of the cache with some data
that can be change. So you can update or remove cache by setting the dependency
of cache. There are three types of dependencies supported in ASP.NET:
File based dependency
Key based dependency
Time based dependency
File Based Dependency: File-based dependency comes in picture
when particular cache item change that is stored on the disk.
ASP.NET expire cached data items from the cache when the dependency files
Key Based Dependency: If we have saved multiple interrelated
objects in the cache and if one of the objects changes, we need to update or
expire all of them. Key-based dependency checks a particular cache item when
another cache item changes.
Time Based Dependency: Time-based dependency causes an item to
expire at a defined time. ASP.NET provides two types of time based dependency.
Absolute: It provides time for a cache item to expire. The
object will be expired from the cache at the specified time. If you don’t need
to specify a value for this property, use the static field
Sliding: Enables you to resets the time for the item in the
cache to expire on each request.You can use sliding dependency when different
request are coming for the same item that are available in the cache If you
don’t need to specify a value for this property, use the static field