1. What are electronic devices and components?
2. What is an analogue circuit? Explain with an example.
3. What are digital circuits?
4. What are the building blocks of a digital circuit?
5. What are integrated devices?
6. What is noise in reference to electronic circuits?
7. State Faraday`s law of induction.
8. What is the Gauss`s law?
9. State the Kirchoff`s laws.
10. Explain in detail Norton`s theorem.
11. Explain in detail the Thevenin`s theorem
12. What is voltage drop?
13. What is a resistor?
14. What is an inductor?
15. What are the different construction techniques in electronics?
16. What is a flip-flop?
17. What are the different types of flip-flops?
18. Explain how to convert a
19. State the differences between a flip-flop and a latch?
20. What does a tristate signal in electronics signify?
21. With the help of diagram explain a CMOS inverter.
22. What is a diode in reference to electronics?
23. What is an amplifier?
24. State the differences between power amplifier and voltage amplifier.
25. What is conductance? How is it measured?
26. What are RLC circuits?
27. What are FET`s?
28. What are the various logic gates?
29. Which semiconductor device is used as a voltage regulator and why?
30. What is the zener breakdown?
31. What is avalance breakdown?
32. Describe the sampling theorem.
33. What is an idea current source?
34. What are filters?
35. What are the different types of filters?
36. Explain the working of FIR filters?
37. State the differences between FIR and IIR filters?
38. What are chebushev filters? Explain?
39. What is modulation? Explain in detail.
40. Explain the working of a multiplexer.
41. How can the race-around problem be solved?
42. What is CMR?
43. What is ASCII in reference to electronics?
44. What is an EEPROM?
45. What is a waveform used for in reference to electronics?
46. Explain with the help of a diagram the functioning of an adder.
47. What were vacuum tubes used for?
48. What are schmitt triggers?
49. What is a DSP?
50. Explain what is an ASIC?
51. Explain what is an FPGA?
52. How is thermal management done in electronic circuitry?
53. How is CAD used with electronics? Give example.