Streams of accounting: Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting. Management Accounting: is the process of analysis, interpretation and presentation of accounting.....
Financial Accounting is the process in which business transactions are recorded systematically in the various......characteristics features of Financial Accounting...
Cost Accounting is the process of classifying and recording of expenditure incurred during the operations of the organization in a systematic way.....
Management Accounting is the process of analysis, interpretation and presentation of accounting information collected with the help of financial accounting
Scope of Management Accounting - 1) Financial Accounting 2) Cost Accounting 3) Revaluation accounting 4) Control Accounting 5) Marginal Costing ......
Financial Accounting protects the interests of the outsiders dealing with the organization e.g shareholders, creditors etc.....
Financial Accounting reports are used by outside parties such as creditors, shareholders, tax authorities etc. whereas Management Accounting reports are used by managers////
The scope of management accounting is broader than that of cost accounting...In Cost accounting, the main emphasis is on cost ascertainment and cost control....