Can you explain how Java interacts with database?

Can you explain how Java interacts with database?

Java interacts with database with the help of JDBC means Java Database Connectivity. It is an API for the Java Programming Language that defines how a client may access a database. It provides method for querying and updating data in database. A JDBC-to-ODBC bridge enables connections to any ODBC-accessible data source in the JVM host environment. JDBC classes are in the java.sql package. For JDBC connectivity, firstly the JDBC-ODBC driver is registered then by using DriverManagerClass the connection is established. This class throws sqlException hence it must be caught. The Driver is used to resolve type compatibility issues between Java application and different database servers like Oracle, Access, and SQL Server.

Example of connectivity with SQL Server

import java.sql.*;

import java.util.*;

class dri


   public static void main(String x[])





           System.out.println("Driver registered with the driver manager class");

           Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:students");//database connection


           BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

           System.out.println("Enter Roll no");

           int a=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

           System.out.println("Enter name");

           String b=br.readLine();

           System.out.println("Enter branch");

           String c=br.readLine();

           System.out.println("Enter Marks");

           int d=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

           //query for inserting values in the table

           PreparedStatement p=con.prepareCall("insert into stud values(?,?,?,?)");






           System.out.println("Record inserted")


       catch(Exception e)





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