Java inner classes

What is Java inner class? Explain the types of inner classes, i.e. Static member classes, Member classes, Local classes, Anonymous classes

Inner Class : A class defined inside another class is called an ‘Inner Class’.

Types of inner classes :

1. Member inner class : An inner class which has the scope within another class
class Outer
   Inner inner = new Inner();
   void show()
      System.out.println("Outer is invoking inner show() method");;
class Inner
      // Member inner class
     void show()
         System.out.println("In the inner class");
  }// end of member inner class
} // end of outer class(enclosing class)

2. Local Inner Class : An inner class declared within a block

public class Outer
   void show()
       System.out.println("Outer is invoking inner show() method");;
       class LocalInner
            void showLocal()
                System.out.println("Local inner class - show()");

   LocalInner localinner = new LocalInner();
   } // end of method show()
} // end outer class

3. Static Inner class : An inner class with access modifier as ‘static’

public class Outer
    Outer.StaticInner stcinnr = new Outer.StaticInner();
    void show()
        System.out.println("Outer is invoking inner show() method");;
    }// end of show()
    static class StaticInner 
        void show()
            System.out.println("In the Static inner class");
        } // end os static inner class
} // end of outer class

4.Anonymous Inner Class:
An inner class without name. Anonymous inner classes are defined within a method can be used only once. The definition, object creation and the method invocation is done all at once in an anonymous inner class.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MyFrame extends Frame
       addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
           public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.ext(0)};

In the above example, the WindowAdapter implements the methods that are required by the WindowListener interface.

Advantages of Inner classes
1. All class are logically grouped in one module.
2. It enhances the encapsulation
3. The inner classes lead to more reliable, readable and maintainable code

Write and explain to show the Java inner class in use.

The following is the code that illustrates all the four inner classes
package innerclasses;
public class Outer
   Inner innr = new Inner();
   Outer.StaticInner stcinnr = new Outer.StaticInner();
   void show()
       System.out.println("Outer is invoking inner show() method");;
       class LocalInner
           void showLocal()
               System.out.println("Local inner class - show()");
       LocalInner localinner = new LocalInner();
   class Inner
   { // Member inner class
      void show() 
          System.out.println("In the inner class"); 
   static class StaticInner 
       void show()
           System.out.println("In the Static inner class");
     // main
     public static void main(String[] args)
         Outer outer = new Outer();;
     }// main()
}// end of Outer
The class Outer is the enclosing class of all inner clases.
The class Inner is the example of Member Inner class – defined in the scope of the outer class
The class StaticInner is the static inner class. It is defined within the scope of the Outer class and has a single copy for Outer class, being static
The LocalInner class is defined within the method .

Anonymous Inner class example:
Anonymous inner classes are used to add listener objects in event driven programming in Java, like AWT and Swing. For example, clicking a button is an event.
To add an action when a button is clicked, it is not needed to define a named class with much of functionality.
The required action can be authored by using an anonymous inner class
The following is the code snippet for anonymous inner class.
class MyPanel extens JPanel
    JButton button = new JButton();
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actEv)
            button.setText(“The Button Clicked”);
        } // end of actionPerformed
    } //end of ActionListener
} // end of button.addActionListener
Need of inner class in context with adapter classes

Callbacks for GUI functionality are defined in local inner classes.

Components can share an object which implements an event handling abstract adapter class, later, which executes the functionality when a given event is triggered.

An adapter class can be used as anonymous inner class for drawing a rectangle.

The mouse events,like click, right click etc., are fired within this inner class.

The following code example generates a rectangle by clicking the mouse from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

The code demonstrates the functionality of ‘adapter class’ and anonymous inner class.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class AdapterInnerClassesDemo extends Applet
   public void init()
       addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
           int topAtX, bottomAtY;
           public void mousePressed(MouseEvent msEvt)
               topAtX = msEvt.getX();
               bottomAtY = msEvt.getY();
           public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent msEvt)
               Graphics grph = AdapterDemo.this.getGraphics();
               grph.drawRect(topAtX, bottomAtY, msEvt.getX()-topAtX, msEvt.getY()-bottomAtY);
       } // end of anonymous inner class

Functionality of wrapper classes. List the primitive types and the corresponding wrapper classes

1. At times the primitive types are needed to be referred as objects

2. Every primitive type has its corresponding wrapper class

3. The wrapper classes encapsulate the primitive data types within a class. Hence the name wrapper class

4. Wrapped classes are used to represent primitive types when an object is required.

5. The wrapper classes are used in Collection Framework by using java.util package

6. Object methods are provided for primitive types by using wrapper classes.

7. Following are the Primitive types and their corresponding wrapper clases:
byte     Byte
short     Short
int     Integer
long     Long
float     Float
double     Double
char     Character
boolean     Boolean

All the wrapper classes are subclasses of the Number class.

Explain few Wrapper Classes Methods.

Following are few methods of Wrapper Classes:

1. static int digit(char ch, int radix)
The character ch’s numeric value will be returned in the specified radix

2. static boolean isDigit(char ch)
Returns true, if the given ch is a digit

3. static boolean isLetter(char ch)
Returns true, if the given ch is an alphabet

4. static int parseInt(String s)
Parses (Converts) the given string argument as a decimal integer.

5. static float parseFloat(String s)
Parses (Converts) the given string argument as float number

6. String toString()
Converts a given Long value into a String

7. static String toHexString(double d)
Hexadecimal string representation of the given double argument is returned
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Inner classes in Java
Thanks for the great post!

I also came across another good one right here:
bohman 05-1-2013