What is meant by Tomcat in java and its usage?Tomcat is an open source servlet container. It was developed by Apache Software Foundation. It is commonly known as Apache Tomcat. It is a web server for the processing of JSP and Java Servlets. When a programmer makes web applications by using servlets or JSP then a .war file is made by compressing the application folder. The command for making war file is jar cvf name.war*.*, by this command a compressed file is made of all the servlets or web pages. Then this war file is deployed in the Tomcat server in web-apps folder. By deploying this file the programmer can directly run its application on the server by typing the local host address and the address of war file. Tomcat has a folder confg in which the tomcat-user file is given; in this file we can add the user for the security purpose. We can give role to different user and username and password to every role. It has logs folder in which log files are stored. Log files contain all the information of the work done on the server.