2 billion dollar clean energy equity fund
Q. Union Government in Nov 2016 decided to launch a USD 2 billion dollar clean energy equity fund. What is its target for renewable energy generation capacity by 2022?- Published on 04 Nov 16a. 175 GW
b. 185 GW
c. 176 GW
d. 186 GW

Union Government in Nov 2016 has taken the decision to launch
USD 2 billion dollar clean energy equity fund.
- The fund is being created to support the ambitious target of adding 175 GW renewable energy generation capacity by 2022.
- Government has decided to launch the fund jointly with state power entities namely National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, Rural Electrification Corporation and Power Finance Corporation Limited.
- The New and Renewable Energy Ministry has initiated this project.
- Report also indicated that seed funding will be done by the Union government for this fund.
- The funding will be from the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund.
- Government of India will also collect 4 billion USD per year in the next 3-4 years for the clean energy fund.
- Government of India is also planning a USD 1 billion dollar PE fund for the renewable energy sector.