AlphaGo has been developed by Google Deepmind

Q.  AlphaGo has been developed by
- Published on 23 Aug 16

a. Yahoo
b. Deepmind
c. Microsoft
d. NVidia

ANSWER: Deepmind
  • AlphaGo is a computer program developed by Google DeepMind in London to play the board game Go, which is one of the most complex.
  • It is the first computer program to ever beat a professional player at the game of Go.
  • AlphaGo is powered by neural network AI engines, which allows the program to learn by observing the data from the best Go players and then train itself to get even better.
  • It can train itself to improve which could be applied to other tasks, such as teaching itself to recognize faces by looking at lots of images.
  • AI can also help people look through large databases and perform calculation.
  • In "incomplete information games," it could be used in situations where there are more unknown factors, such as negotiations or cybersecurity.

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