Archeologists have discovered a lost city of Ciudad Blanca

Q.  Archeologists discovered which lost city in the Honduran jungle?
- Published on 25 Jan 16

a. Ciudad Blanca
b. White City
c. None of the above
d. Both a and b

ANSWER: Both a and b
Archaeologists have commenced excavations in the legendary lost city of Liudad Blanca or White City within the Honduran jungle. Dozens of artefacts including vulture shaped handles as well as clay tray with jaguar head and stone made throne carved with jaguar which are the remains of a ceremonial temple have been discovered here. Ruins range between 1000 and 1500 AD are distinct from the ancient Mayan civilisation. This is a new or different culture. City’s name was derived from white limestone rock in the area first explored by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century.

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