Blowing tiny bubbles through seawater can help protect coral reefs

Q.  Blowing tiny bubbles through seawater can help in the protection of coral reefs and oyster farms to combat which ill effect of the ocean?
- Published on 28 Mar 16

a. Ocean salination
b. Ocean acidification
c. Ocean pollution
d. Ocean contamination

ANSWER: Ocean acidification
Blowing tiny bubbles through seawater may help protect coral reefs and oyster farms in acidified oceans, through transfer of excess carbon dioxide from coastal marine environments to the atmosphere, according to scientists. Technique will provide inexpensive solution for threats facing the coral reef. Around 30 to 60 percent of the coral reefs have perished since the advent of the industrial revolution and consequent ocean acidification. Ocean acidification makes it tough for corals to calcify and erode skeletal remains thereby harming the integrity of the entire reef.

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