Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) has recently launched a one-of-its-kind , AI online platform that identifies Indian bird species.
NGO has collaborated with Bangalore based tech firm Accenture to create online database of 300 species of avifauna in the nation.
This cloud-based platform, titled Internet of Birds, requires any amateur bird watcher to just upload picture of the bird.
It runs an analysis on the picture, compares it to the species in the database and informs the person of the bird species.
It also has an image recognition and deep learning mechanism.
This helps in identifying key species of birds.
Biodiversity in India: Avifauna- India is a biodiversity hotspot.
- It is home to almost 12.5% of the world's avifauna.
- It is consisting of 1,300 species.
- This platform can identify over 300 species but will eventually support all species found in India.
- Birds are excellent indicators of their environment.