Central Water Commission under the Ministry of Water Resources River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation signed two separate MoUs with IIT Madras and IISc Bengaluru.
These premier educational institutions will help CWC for the procurement of specified software and equipment for enhancing dam rehab efforts.
Capacity building in areas of dam safety have been taken over through the World Bank assisted DRIP or Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project.
Scope includes testing of the labs, enhancement of analytical capabilities, exposure visits to top global institutions and on ground exposure to dam safety concern.
DRIP is currently rehabilitating 250 dams in 7 states.
This includes the Southern state of TN.
Owners of the dam require technical support for rehab.
Premier institutes are now providing training and consulting services to help dam owners.
Dams in India: Know More- There are about 4900 large dams in India and about 300 are under construction.
- In addition, there are several thousand smaller dams.
- These dams are vital for ensuring the water security of the country.
- They also constitute a major responsibility in terms of asset management and safety.
- In April 2012, the Central Water Commission (CWC) with assistance from the World Bank, embarked upon the six year Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP).
- This is at an estimated cost of Rs. 2100 crore.
- The project originally envisaged the rehabilitation and improvement of about 223 dams within the following states namely, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttarakhand and Jharkhand.
- The total number of dams covered under DRIP increased to 250.
- Central Dam Safety Organisation of Central Water Commission, assisted by a Consulting firm, is coordinating and supervising the Project implementation.