China-Pakistan direct rail and sea freight service launched
Q. China and which other nation launched a direct rail and sea freight service?- Published on 05 Dec 16a. India
b. Bangladesh
c. Nepal
d. Pakistan
ANSWER: Pakistan

China and Pakistan on 1st Dec 2016 launched a direct rail and sea freight service with the first cargo train departing from China’s SW Yunnan province.
The service was launched with the first cargo train loaded with 500 tons of commodities leaving Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan.
Yunnan is an inland province in SW China.
The train has left for Karachi, cutting transport cost by over 50%.
About the Maritime Silk Road Initiative- This rail and sea freight service is part of Maritime Silk Road Initiative.
- In this, the USD 46 billion CPEC/China Pakistan Economic Corridor Project is also included.
- CPEC was launched in 2015.
- It was linked up to NW China and Gwadar seaport deep in southern Pakistan.
- Pakistan-China trade under CPEC has already started in Oct 2016.